By miranda.prynne, 14 October, 2020
Using 360-degree video can help create a more immersive digital learning experience, making practical aspects of online classes more realistic. Here Jane Frost draws on her experience of training nurses to explain how it can be used
By miranda.prynne, 12 October, 2020
It can be a challenge to keep students’ attention from wandering when teaching online. Here Bill Boulding talks through key rules to put in place to keep everyone engaged in the virtual learning environment
By miranda.prynne, 6 October, 2020
Having reopened for a new academic year, universities are now looking ahead to how they can deliver the best possible online teaching for the longer term. Here, Robert MacIntosh highlights what has been learned so far in the rapid transition to digital teaching and learning
By stephen.blinkhorne, 6 October, 2020

Mauris nibh lectus, volutpat id pulvinar ut, tincidunt vel dolor. Morbi vel dapibus ipsum. Curabitur metus ante, interdum sed facilisis ut, porta elementum purus. Pellentesque id justo venenatis, lacinia lectus in, congue ante. Vivamus feugiat malesuada est cursus finibus. Fusce iaculis gravida ex non molestie. Cras sed malesuada ante. Maecenas auctor nulla in lacus dictum rutrum. Quisque id vulputate ligula. Donec in fermentum ipsum. Vivamus blandit maximus neque, eget scelerisque mauris luctus id. Donec ullamcorper sollicitudin justo, id efficitur diam iaculis a.