Luca Cacciolatti explains how to use Google’s ExCITATION journal-ranking tool, which can help researchers quickly identify relevant and high-quality sources
Think like a journalist. Think like a content creator. Think like a musician. Jonathan Wilson gives tips on getting ahead in your career without sacrificing personal satisfaction
Gustavo Espinoza Ramos explains the importance of applying for a Senior Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy and gives tips on how to be successful in this process
In an ever-changing employment landscape, more students than ever are setting up start-ups after graduation. Richard Sant and Victoria Fabbri share how the creative sector has lessons for nurturing future entrepreneurs
As more PhD students express interest in non-academic career paths, it’s essential to evaluate the relevance of traditional PhD programmes for alternative opportunities
Common in health professions, supervision has much to offer faculty and higher education institutions – whether it takes place one-on-one or in groups. Here, Anita Volkert explains how to use the 3Cs of effective supervision to get started
In the third and final part of her series on policy engagement, Jo Clift looks at how to create positive and lasting relationships across your policy network