Cultural competency involves seeing the world through the lens of other people, across race, gender and age barriers, among others. Shuangyu Li outlines the five questions to ask when embedding it
Educational developers must balance the corporatisation of higher education with providing transformative education. To do this, subversive leadership is the key, argues Richard McInnes
An epistemological approach is needed to build more inclusive environments, argues Blanca Elizabeth Vega in this excerpt from Black Scholarship in a White Academy
Terms such as equity, diversity and inclusion give the impression that they are dealing with what is present. In fact, EDI work deals with what is absent, writes Pascal Matthias. He offers ways to think, speak and write differently
A multi-departmental and collaborative approach to digital skills training has helped tackle digital exclusion at Staffordshire University. Raheel Nawaz explains the key initiatives
Why real progress won’t be made unless universities solve three persistent issues: access to networks, unconscious bias and insider culture, writes Blane Ruschak
EDI initiatives are commonplace in Western higher education. They pay little or no attention to the global diversity of racism. But should they, asks Alastair Bonnett
EDI campaigns and scholarships keep failing ethnic minority students because they are tailored to the needs of white people, writes Andrea E.L. Attipoe
Personal networking strategies can influence successful academic integration and emotional stability of students from under-represented communities in higher education. Here are ways to support these groups, based an analysis of the egocentric networks of Roma students