Advice to advance the internationalisation of higher education: from transnational education to student mobility, internationalising the curriculum and why crossing borders matters for teaching and research
Ten tips for academics interested in relocating to work at a university in the Netherlands, by Tetyana Krupiy, who spent three years carrying out research in Tilburg
If universities are serious about internationalisation, they must confront the hegemony of English-medium instruction – here’s how, says Dylan Williams
What do successful international branch campuses have in common? Nigel Healey outlines the key characteristics that institutions wishing to extend their presence overseas should take heed of
Recent world events point towards the need for a commitment to peace at every level of society, writes Annelise Riles, as she explains how universities can promote peace-making and related skills through teaching, research and collaboration
Major universities in this region are now uniquely positioned to build new international partnerships with academic institutions that have lost access to Russia
Efforts to support Ukrainian academics offer lessons in how individual institutions can improve pathways into UK higher education for displaced scholars now and in the future, write Uta Staiger and Freya Proudman
Key tenets to successfully, and sustainably, designing university initiatives that support refugee learners around the globe using digital resources, based on five years of running the Education for Humanity initiative at Arizona State University
In Lebanon, a project designed to increase access to higher education for Syrian refugees through digital learning has been piloted with success. Rabih Shibli shares lessons from developing PADILEIA