Gender and race disparities persist in leadership roles within academic institutions. Here, Menah Pratt shares her advice on effective levers to foster women of colour into leadership roles
Women of colour can leave a legacy that endures far beyond their tenures, writes Menah Pratt. Here, she shares her experience with racism and sexism and describes actions that leave a mark on institutions and students and defy under-representation
Women outnumber men among university graduates, yet female leaders are in the minority when it comes to leadership positions in higher education. Sandy Jones offers her advice on helping women climb the career ladder
Instead of consigning the recognition of Black histories to one single month, Deborah Husbands, Stephen Bunbury and Dibyesh Anand advocate for a Black History Year
Hiring practices – from job posting to interview – are key to creating a diverse workforce. Here, Damien Page offers advice on how to drive university-wide inclusivity from the classroom to the community
Attracting and retaining first-generation college students is a pivotal goal for higher education institutions seeking diversity and inclusivity, and college admissions faculty play a vital role in this process, writes Juan Espinoza
Farish A. Noor draws on three decades of teaching across different continents to offer advice on the challenges inherent in teaching students from diverse backgrounds
EDI initiatives are commonplace in Western higher education. They pay little or no attention to the global diversity of racism. But should they, asks Alastair Bonnett
EDI campaigns and scholarships keep failing ethnic minority students because they are tailored to the needs of white people, writes Andrea E.L. Attipoe