Recent events have shown the necessity of working together, and it’s never too early for universities, faculty and students to begin thinking about this, says Georgina Harris
Redesigning PhD training will help develop commercially savvy researchers, address skills gaps in UK bioscience and bolster innovation, say Simon Cook and Derek Jones
Anna Walas offers advice for facilitating community engagement with research by considering ways in which effective engagement design can help overcome common barriers
Inspirational moments don’t usually happen by chance. Instead, many enabling factors must be put in place over the course of a career, say Peter Hogg and Jo Cresswell
Postdoc or professor, the self-promotion struggle is real. So, how can we promote ourselves without sounding too ‘sales-y’? Emma Williams has the answers
Jen O’Brien describes a pedagogical project that engages students in applied research carried out in partnership with external organisations, related to the Sustainable Development Goals