Student engagement

Academics and university staff address what student engagement means to them and offer advice on boosting attendance, class participation and building a campus community

By Eliza.Compton, 18 September, 2024
The comedy stage can be a place for academics to be silly and let it all hang out. Chris Pahlow explores why humour is effective for scholars and the people they’re trying to communicate with about their research
Reading time
By Eliza.Compton, 9 September, 2024
Cultural misunderstandings can lead to international students being referred for academic misconduct. An answer for university educators can be to tailor course content to bridge gaps in your students‘ understanding
Reading time
By Laura.Duckett, 5 September, 2024
Why and how to incorporate reflective practice into your teaching and learning
Reading time
By Laura.Duckett, 30 August, 2024
Here are some steps to take to ensure the first few weeks of term go smoothly for yourself and your students
Reading time