Student cohorts are increasingly diverse in their needs and objectives. Here universities share how they are working in new ways to help them enter, progress in and complete a university degree
Student cohorts are increasingly diverse in their needs and objectives. Here universities share how they are working in new ways to help them enter, progress in and complete a university degree
From staff training to nap pods and on-campus emotional support animals, universities have well-established and novel ways to help students to better mental health and well-being
Dedicating funds and resources to parenting students, most of whom are mothers and single, is also an investment in the prosperity of future generations, writes Sara Goldrick-Rab
What fresh approaches could provide more proactive, tailored and cohesive student support? Andy Wistow shares insights from pilot schemes designed to do just that
Forest Tan describes how to begin creating a flexible pathway where learners can accumulate microcredentials aligned to industry that can stack towards a degree
Personal networking strategies can influence successful academic integration and emotional stability of students from under-represented communities in higher education. Here are ways to support these groups, based an analysis of the egocentric networks of Roma students
A team from Singapore Institute of Technology offers insights from working with in-employment learners who are seeking to upskill by studying for degrees
As awareness of trauma and its effects on individuals grows, Imogen Perkins delves into what it means to be trauma-informed, and how its five principles could look within an academic setting.