Three leaders in global higher education explore what the pandemic has taught us about higher education and how universities can carry those lessons forward as they look to rebuild
As we emerge from the pandemic, what innovations in online teaching have come about in the last year? Four experts in digital and teaching innovation from the UK and US discuss effective ways of teaching that harness new technological tools
Academics and graduate recruitment experts discuss how digital education can best be used to support students in gaining the skills they will need in the future workplace
Four leading academics tackle five questions about online education covering assessment, content creation, data protection, digital natives and the future of universities
Academics and experts in sustainability look at how universities can harness online teaching to advance the aims of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals
Provosts at four US institutions discuss their leadership styles, the future of online teaching and how to balance the often competing agendas of governments, students and internal stakeholders
How has the pandemic affected student dropout rates? And what can universities can do to boost student retention now and in the future? We discuss student attrition with a panel of experts from the UK and Australia
Four leading academics from around the world discuss how universities can harness technology to enhance their teaching and learning, at the virtual launch of THE Campus
Four higher education professionals discuss what universities and faculty can, or should, do to ensure a top quality digital teaching across their institutions
Four academics offer practical advice on different aspects of online teaching and learning based on lessons from the rapid pivot to remote courses triggered by Covid-19