Myth busting

By miranda.prynne, 28 October, 2020
Series Type
Resources that will help debunk common misconceptions about online teaching and learning
By stefan.gagov, 25 August, 2020
The move to online teaching has led to a huge rise in the use of both remote and virtual laboratories. Here Dr Yeung explains how each works and outlines their strengths and weaknesses
By miranda.prynne, 26 October, 2020
The rapid move to online teaching risks lecturers becoming over reliant on technology and steadily disappearing from their own courses. Here Glenn Geher argues the case for instructors remaining at the heart of their classes and only using technology to support their teaching
By miranda.prynne, 30 October, 2020
Higher education remains awash with claims and theories that are backed by little evidence. Here, Celia Popovic and Fiona Smart debunk some of the more common ‘fake news’ myths in relation to teaching and look at how to apply this knowledge in online courses