Advice on shaping the focus and content of programmes – looking at co-creation, future skills, decolonisation, embedding SDGs, inclusive learning, virtual and large-scale programmes
As the block model has evolved from educational outlier to established practice, the questions it raises about how higher education is delivered are increasingly difficult to ignore, writes John Weldon
Multidisciplinary courses, applied learning and personalisation will all help business schools prepare graduates to serve the needs of the global community. Baback Yazdani explains how to make them work
Advice on delivering sustainability-focused guest lectures in collaboration with industry experts and reinforcing learning with project-based assessments
Is sustainability a ‘blank space’ in professional music education? Not exactly. Music students want to make an impact and some music academics are embedding the UN Sustainable Development Goals in the curriculum
For a curriculum framework to deliver for both students and educators, it must be regularly updated. Here are six things to remember when embarking on a framework review
How can we bridge the compassion gaps in the day-to-day experiences of students and staff in higher education? Kathryn Waddington and Bryan Bonaparte offer their solutions – and warn of the challenges we’re still facing