Advice to advance the internationalisation of higher education: from transnational education to student mobility, internationalising the curriculum and why crossing borders matters for teaching and research
Seven practical steps to developing a comprehensive sanctuary programme that can support the immediate needs of displaced students and academics while including a broader plan for social change
However well-intentioned, outside interventions can have unintended consequences for local communities if carried out without rigorous research, says James Derounian
Using enquiry-based learning gives overseas students agency and helps them decide for themselves how they want to be included in the learning process, says Dylan Williams
Enrolment managers must realise an increasingly complex landscape doesn’t need a quick fix to a short-term challenge but rather a reasonable strategy for managing long-term tensions
Diverse partnerships encompassing various sectors and organisations help mobilise resources and encourage collaboration that can address societal challenges more efficiently
Annelise Riles and Meghan Ozaroski share advice on bringing universities around the world together to address global problems, such as climate change, by investing in relationships, thinking long-term and working around inevitable bumps
Yhing Sawheny and Ashutosh Mishra offer advice on organising a virtual international event after bringing students together online to hone their leadership skills in sustainability
Universities’ promo materials and slogans play it safe to the point of indolence, says Jonathan Wilson. He explains how to take a leaf from the global brand playbook