A beginners’ guide to teaching online

By miranda.prynne, 28 October, 2020
Series Type
Basic how-to guides and advice for faculty starting out on the online teaching journey
By stefan.gagov, 22 October, 2020
When students discuss ideas and learn from one another, they absorb far more, which is the rationale behind the think-pair-share teaching model. Here José Guzman explains how he translated this to the online setting
By stefan.gagov, 25 August, 2020
New digital teaching methods risk exposing personal and sensitive information among students and staff. Here are best practice tips from Matthew Davis on running safe and secure online meetings and calls
By miranda.prynne, 4 February, 2021
Working remotely with no face-to-face contact is a challenge for many students. May Lim and Li Siong Lim explain how educators can use technology to identify and help struggling students before they fall behind
Reading time
By miranda.prynne, 12 October, 2020
It can be a challenge to keep students’ attention from wandering when teaching online. Here Bill Boulding talks through key rules to put in place to keep everyone engaged in the virtual learning environment
By miranda.prynne, 4 February, 2021
While the same psychological processes are at work online as in the classroom, it is much easier for students to disengage when learning remotely. Here are seven well-researched steps to help students stay focused on their online courses
By miranda.prynne, 26 October, 2020
The rapid move to online teaching risks lecturers becoming over reliant on technology and steadily disappearing from their own courses. Here Glenn Geher argues the case for instructors remaining at the heart of their classes and only using technology to support their teaching
By miranda.prynne, 10 November, 2020
Teaching online requires adaptations to in-person teaching, whatever your level of experience. Jesper Hansen explains what key changes he has made to his teaching practice to optimise his synchronous online classes
By miranda.prynne, 8 January, 2021
With thousands of educational apps all promising to enhance online learning, choosing the right technology is a challenge. Miral Gibson explains why how pedagogy and teaching strategies should inform these decisions