Say goodbye to boring presentations

By Laura.Duckett, 28 February, 2025
GenAI can supercharge your PowerPoint presentations to offer students interactive opportunities that increase participation and deepen learning. Here’s how
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PowerPoint presentations are a staple in higher education teaching and learning. But creating effective and impactful ones isn’t easy. Fortunately, GenAI tools can help. I use ClassPoint to transform the classroom into a vibrant hub of learning and exploration. 

Get started by downloading the ClassPoint plug-in. Then, install the software, create an account and log in. While the paid version offers additional features, the free version offers more than enough to make a significant impact on your presentations. Next, try these activities:

1.    Collaborative brainstorming

Interactive brainstorming activities are excellent ways to increase participation, manage the classroom effectively and foster a collaborative learning atmosphere. These activities not only break the monotony of traditional teaching methods but also keep learners on their toes. The “word cloud” feature is particularly effective, allowing you to collect student ideas in a fun way. 

As students submit their responses, the word clouds appear on the screen in real time, creating a visual representation of the collective thought process. This dynamic approach encourages students to contribute actively and observe how their peers think, which can lead to a deeper understanding and appreciation of diverse perspectives.

2.    Interactive visualisation

One of the standout features of ClassPoint is its interactivity. The “slide drawing” function enables students to work either individually or collaboratively on the presentation slides. You can assign students a variety of activities that cater to different learning styles, especially benefiting visual learners. 

Activities include identifying and circling grammar or spelling mistakes, completing crossword puzzles, engaging in matching exercises, etc. Additionally, the “image upload” function allows students to share images that are relevant to their lives. This personal touch can mitigate anxiety and scaffold their language output while students discuss and describe images that hold personal significance. Both the “slide drawing” and “image upload” functions allow you to record all discussions and interactions so that you can review them later and assess students’ contributions.

3.    Real-time quizzes and polls

ClassPoint’s quiz and poll functions allow instructors to effortlessly collect student input and responses in an engaging way. With just a few clicks, you can create polls or quizzes that instantly appear on students’ devices. This functionality serves multiple purposes, including gauging understanding, gathering opinions and sparking curiosity. You can display the real-time results on the PowerPoint slide, allowing you to dynamically adjust your teaching approach based on student responses. Here are some other ways to use ClassPoint’s polling and quiz features:
•    Use entrance polling to assess perception or prior knowledge
•    Set up exit quizzes to check understanding and application
•    Host competitive quiz sessions to review and reinforce learning.

4.    Customisable templates and AI quiz generator

ClassPoint offers a variety of customisable templates that are both visually captivating and pedagogically effective. You can choose from different layouts, colour schemes and question types to craft slides that are professional and learner-friendly. Furthermore, ClassPoint’s AI-powered quiz function streamlines the process of generating questions aligned with Bloom’s Taxonomy. For instance, after reading a paragraph, you can deploy an AI-generated quiz to check students’ understanding immediately, so you can quickly identify and address misconceptions.

Pro tips:

• Keep it interactive: use interactive elements judiciously to capture and maintain your students’ interest. Keep a balance between entertainment and education, ensuring that the excitement ClassPoint generates does not overshadow the core learning objectives. For example, after an engaging “word cloud” activity, guide students to analyse the results of their submissions. Connect them to the lesson topic and teaching goals, ensuring that students consolidate their knowledge and apply it effectively.
• Seek feedback: after using ClassPoint, proactively seek feedback from your students. Their perceptions can assist you in refining your instructional methods, ensuring that your lessons are engaging and aligned with their needs and preferences.
• Stay updated: recognise that GenAI tools like ClassPoint are continuously being updated. Keep an eye on new updates and features and be open to experimenting with them. This agility will allow you to integrate new tools and features in creative ways, optimising your teaching strategy and enriching your students’ learning experience.

By leveraging tools like ClassPoint, you can create a more dynamic classroom environment that captures students’ attention, fosters deeper understanding, rekindles a passion for learning, and enhances the overall academic experience. Use it as your secret weapon to bring your teaching to life. 

Chaonan Xu is an associate language lecturer at the English Language Centre at the School of Languages at Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University.

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GenAI can supercharge your PowerPoint presentations to offer students interactive opportunities that increase participation and deepen learning. Here’s how
